Google Panda has immediate effect on SEO techniques
The new changes in Google’s algorithm have sparked many debates in the business world as to how the variations will affect the performance of websites. Google Panda, as it is now known, is the changes which have been made to combat content farms and to deliver a better quality of service for all those who use the search engine.
For now these changes have only been rolled out in the U.S, so if you are not aiming for the international market you will not have been affected. The Official Google blog stated that they plan to roll out the changes elsewhere, although no more information is given as to when this will be; it is clearly only a matter of time.
Get Ahead and Stay Ahead
So what do these changes mean on this side of the pond? Google are very secretive about how their algorithm works and this is where SEO experts can really assist you in helping you website achieve top rankings in the search engine results pages. One thing is clear, that the content of your pages on the web must be of a high standard.
In addition to Google Panda, there is a new Chrome extension which allows users to block any sites which they deem to be full of useless information. This means that search engine results are able to become more personalised. If you have articles which are not related to the title, does not provide answers or relevant guidance then the user can simply blacklist you and your site will not show up in any of their future searches.
Not showing up in individual searches may not seem so bad, but if you find your site is blocked on several occasions it won’t be long before Google start paying attention to the negative response to your site. This can result in your website being taken out of the SERP altogether. A severe blow which can be avoided with sensible and white hat SEO marketing strategies.
Quality must be assured
On the Google Blog Amit Singhal and Matt Cutts discussed the changes in brief. They stated that the update was aimed at reducing the rankings of sites which were low quality, low value, not useful and that copy content from other sites. This means that sites which contain quality content, original work, and information will be rewarded. The plan is to promote a ‘healthy web ecosystem’ which Google see as their responsibility.
So the key points to take from these changes involve looking at your website and other pages on the web and making sure that you are delivering the best content possible. By implementing changes now you can be fully prepared for when the changes to roll over into the UK, and be sure to secure positive responses to your sites.
SEO experts at SEOTrafficLab offer a full site audit that can highlight all the areas which need improving in order to boost international and local traffic. By assessing your current SEO marketing techniques we can help you build and sustain a positive strategy which will ensure the performance of your website in the future.
Call us free on 0800 84 999 33 and get ahead of the changes before they damage your marketing performance.
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