Finally settled back into the office after a massive week at the Spring Fair in the NEC at Birmingham, this was a great event for us and was the first time that the Spring Fair featured its very own Ecommerce Zone.
The Ecommerce Zone featured a number of companies whose businesses focussed on helping other online businesses in establishing and promoting their online ecommerce stores.
During the week we spoke with many businesses on how we could help them and even launched our brand new training platform ‘Etoomi – Ecommerce Intelligence’ in order to deliver a programme for ecommerce marketing – made easy. (More to come on this… very soon) The etoomi platform is aimed fairly and squarely at teaching business owners how to optimise and promote their ecommerce store “themselves” using tried and trusted methods we utilise within the agency and more can be learnt about Etoomi here.
The week also gave our MD the opportunity to speak in the ecommerce zone theatre on two separate occasions to packed audiences on various aspects of ecommerce marketing today.
Talk one was titled ‘Ecommerce SEO Masterclass’ and was a real crowd pleaser with the theatre being packed and visitors standing three and four deep around the outer edge of the presentation area. This presentation focussed on a series of elements that our own agency have seen working time and time again for our own clients and delivered 5 simple takeaways to sell more in 2014 and the complete slidedeck can be found here.
The second presentation was titled ‘Search Engine Optimisation – Measuring Success’ and was once again a well-attended presentation. In this talk Richard discussed the sorts of things that you should be measuring in order to track the elements of your business properly using such tools as Google Analytics and a tool we use in house called Geckoboard.
Richard discussed many of the results from these powerful tools you should be tracking and monitoring in order to measure the success of your marketing and further discussed custom dashboards for Google Analytics which he also promised would be made available to all attending and the links for these can be found below and once again the slidedeck can be found here.
These are really easy to install, firstly login to your analytics account, and once done click on each of the links provided in turn and when prompted select the relevant analytics profile. Once installed you will be able to see these from the ‘home’ tab of analytics under dashboards, they are a really useful way of seeing various analytics in one place without having to switch from screen to screen.
STL eCommerce Sales Dashboard – This first one is a quick overview of actual sales and how well the site is performing. It quickly shows at a glance the levels of visitors, percentage of them that then placed an order, numbers of orders, average value, top 10 bestsellers, plus loads more all in one simple screen.
STL Mobile Ecommerce Dashboard – The second dashboard gives an overview of how well the site is performing when being accessed via mobile devices and although is not always of interest to every client, we do find that it is of benefit to some.
STL SEO Dashboard – The third dashboard takes a look at the Organic Traffic on its own, so this is looking at such aspects as non brand keywords, top landing pages. In this instance the brand term is your own name (you will need to edit some of the widgets for this one by clicking the little pencil icon top right and replacing your brand name for the text that says ‘YOUR BRAND’).
STL SEO Tracking eCommerce SEO Dashboard – The final dashboard is a much more detailed look at sales from the Organic traffic alone and again it breaks the traffic down into various aspects to see what pages and keywords are being used organically to deliver those sales, (you will again need to edit some of the widgets for this one by clicking the little pencil icon top right and replacing your brand name for the text that says ‘YOUR BRAND’).
All in all the show was a fantastic week and we met a great many businesses and made some awesome new friends 🙂
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What our client say...
“Richard and his team took a lot of time out of his day to come and visit us, see our products, see what we’re about and understand our industry. The results, they speak for themselves really.”
Chris Brady
CEO & Founder
1 Stop Spas